Why Invest in Land in Zanzibar - Zanzibar Real Estate

Why Invest in Land in Zanzibar ?


Having a Perfect plan before investing

Zanzibar sees tourism as its primary revenue stream, with the number of international visitors to the island surging over the past two decades

Real Estate Agency Zanzibar

5 reasons to invest in Land in Zanzibar Island

Zanzibar Economy

1/ Country Stability and Strategic Location

Zanzibar is politically, socially, and economically stable, with private investments safeguarded by both the Constitution and international conventions. Serving as a trade hub for millennia, its geographical location has made it a prime spot for businesses looking to engage with mainland Africa and beyond. This positions investing in Zanzibar as a strategically sound decision.

Zanzibar Tourism

2/ Tourist Numbers to the Islands Surge by 27.5% Annually

According to official figures, tourism currently stands as the island’s leading source of foreign revenue. This uptick is credited to enhanced infrastructure, including a modernized airport, improved road networks, and a welcoming environment. A new airport is poised to accommodate up to 1.5 million passengers annually.

Zanzibar Local

3/ The Local Population Recognizes Their Land as a Goldmine

We see it every day, in direct interaction with the local community, property owners looking to sell are hiking their resale prices. It’s important to understand that locals don’t really need to sell since they have been accustomed to their way of life for decades. Kisiwa secures exclusive and unique deals because we are in daily contact with them.

Zanzibar Invest Land

4/ Investor Strategy (Patience): Buy – Sell

Western, Middle Eastern, and Asian investors are rushing to invest, aiming to resell their properties in a few years at a significant profit.

This directly drives up market prices. Lacking the budget to build your dream project? Invest in land to build later or resell at a profit.

Zanzibar Land For Sale

5/ Kisiwa, the Perfect Link Between Owners and Investors

From a local perspective: The local population speaks Swahili, and so does a part of our team. We establish trustful relationships with village chiefs and do what’s necessary to maintain this connection and guarantee their sales project.

From an investor’s perspective: We provide comprehensive support.

A Message from the Kisiwa Invest In Paradise Team:

 » We’ve seen investors at least double their investment within two years to date. Zanzibar is the place to be now. Choose Zanzibar to grow your capital. 


The Top 3 Strategies to Consider

Buy Land and Wait

Unsure of your exact strategy? Whether to build later or resell? In any case, choosing the right piece of land is a wise and profitable move.

Buy Land to Resell

Don’t have enough budget to build? Think medium-term and turn a profit on your investment within 3-4 years.

Buy Land to Build

Want to build but not sure what project to embark on? Or waiting for the final budget? We guide you in selecting the land and support you through to the handover of keys.

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